Monday, July 8, 2024

Azra n Na Part 2

 Hari ini birthday Ms Dr Ainu Husna yg ke XX, so teringat yang cerita mereka dalam blog ini belum lengkap lagi. The part 1 is here.


Post ini my summary of the various info I got about how they hook up. Ada yang terkurang kot, tapi apa2 pun it is my memories la ye .. :D

Actually, their hook up atau pertemuan dua hati depa , cewah .... berlaku di Sekayu, Terengganu. :)

Pada awal tahun 1993, IUCC ( IU computer club), mengadakan lawatan camping ke Hutan Lipur Sekayu, Besut, Terengganu. Saja nak cari alasan nak jalan2 jauh especially for our second year/final year members.

Ramai ahli yang daftar la.. so me n my 2 exco, Intan n Sukma, had to assign groups ... each group ada a few members, and an adult yg ikut trip kami. These groups were for the activities yg akan dijalankan di sana.

So, tgh assign2 ni budak .. kononnya nak avoid any romantic things happening, so my aim was to ensure the group mix was budak iu10 n iu11, but nothing gonna happen. So, then nama depa, Azran n Na came up ... the Sukma suggested depa dua in the same group, I was like ... yeah, boleh, sure nothing gonna happen la ... 

Famous last words :P

Am not sure of what happened to them during the trip, tapi kan, I definitely remembered, masa dalan bas on the way back ke Shah Alam, tgh borak dengan Azran, and he said, ".. ni mmg trip yg best la Pet .. mmg something ..", and had the mata jiwang look. Okay, I thought masa tu. :)

Fast forward years later, ke Azran n Na's reception at Hotel Concorde Shah Alam,-- they had a montage of pics of them playing on the big screen, and one of the Sekayu pics of them was there, with the phrase "Masa 2 hati bertemu" ... 

Some little notes

  • Am not sure if Na ever went to Missouri, but Azran selalu rajin turun ke Arizona. Azran kata, nak jumpa dengan Taib, our common IU10 friend.
  • Sampai sekrg, kawan je ... :P

Amir, Arif n Azim ... tu la kisah cinta pak mak hang .. so far yg den ingat :)


Selamat Hari Jadi ke XX Doc :D

gambar kami berdua di Sekayu .. Dr Na kiri sekali, den kanan sekali

di Genting .. post Sekayu .. masa ni depa dah hook up :P .. den masih blur


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